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post qualification中文是什么意思

用"post qualification"造句"post qualification"怎么读"post qualification" in a sentence


  • 资格后审


  • In the meantime , " insurance law " return a regulation , insurance company changes president , general manager , ought to sign up for classics finance to supervise management department to examine its to hold a post qualification
    同时, 《保险法》还规定,保险公司更换董事长、总经理,应当报经金融监督治理部门审查其任职资格。
  • The profession skill that the profession credentials system is to draw up in accordance country criterion either holds a post qualification ' s term . the organization identified in the examination by means of what the government department was firmly believed . the skill level to worker is either profession qualification is underway objectively fairly . scientific norm rating and appraisal , moreover , give one kind of system that competent thing awarded the relevant profession credentials
    与此同时,社会上推出了各行各业门类齐全的资格认证, “考证族”队伍愈来愈庞大。职业资格证书制度是指按照国家制定的职业技能标准或任职资格条件,通过政府部门认定的考核鉴定机构,对劳动者的技能水平或职业资格进行客观公正、科学规范的评价和鉴定,并给合格者授予相应职业资格证书的一种制度。
用"post qualification"造句  


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